The Road Taken

Supercar Driver

This project was centred around creating a connection with their members. Supercar Driver exists because of its members, their journeys, their experiences and their cars. This led to the birth of "The Road Taken" brand concept and the strapline “Your Reason To Drive.”

The Road Taken

There are no metaphors here. No secret meanings of non-conformity, like Robert Frost’s famous poem. “The Road Taken” refers to the literal roads driven by Supercar Driver’s members. It is a represenation of their journeys and experiences. Making use of roads & topographical contour maps as graphical elements to portray a mature & adventure filled brand identity.

This is the Supercar Driver of 2024 & beyond...

Just like the juxtaposition of supercars and organic landscapes, I wanted to use the colour palette to do the same. I chose colours that felt mature & refined, and then inject a vivid, contrasting colour to create a memorable sense of character.

The logotype is a massive departure from what this industry has come to expect and was done with purpose. It was meant to elevate the identity away from the sterotypical ‘boy-racer’ feel and create a more mature, exclusive experience.

Although all aspects of the identity were initially approved, the logo proved to be a step to far for the owner. The serif logotype was eventually scrapped for one that is more typical of the industry. Personally I was disappointed by this decision, but ultimately the company’s owner had to be comfortable with all aspects and the logotype was the one sticking one in the end.

Supercar Driver

Logo Design, Visual Identity, Art Direction, Print, Web Design, Web Development, UX & UI
2023 - Present
Sheffield, UK